Erään suomalaisen gurun mukaan tulevaisuutta on Augment Reality eli vahvistettu todellisuus. Itse jäin hiukan suu auki, että mitä tämä Augment Reality oikeasti tarkoittaa. Kuullostaa niin hienolta sanalta. Niinpä tässä teillekin tietoa, mitä tarkoittaa Augment Reality eli vahvistettu todellisuus.
Toinen asia, mikä luultavasti on tulevaisuutta, ovat mobiilit palvelut sekä paikkatieto. Ja myöskin kokonaisvaltaiset palvelut ja itse mietin tässä vaiheessa näitä mashuppeja. Tiedättekös te mitä ne sitten ovat? Tässä tietoa mashupeista
Hyvä esimerkki, jos on lähdössä jenkkeihin ja etsii tietynlaista syötävää tietyssä kaupungissa, katso tämä mapmash .
Muita hyviä mashuppeja tässä.
keskiviikko 28. heinäkuuta 2010
perjantai 23. heinäkuuta 2010
Best Kept Secret in the Medical Tourism Industry- “Cosmetic Harmony” - Affordable Plastic Surgery, Medical Tourism, Colombia
Cosmetic Harmony
Milloin voidaan odottaa Suomessa plastiikkakirurgian matkailuyrityksiä? Ainakaan itse en tiedä yhtään ainutta, jos niitä on, markkinointi ei ainakaan toimi. Viro varmasti menee edellä tässä asiassa, ainakin hintojensa puolesta.
Eikun perustamaan matkailurypäs jonnekin luonnonkauniille paikalle korpeen, joka tuottaa slow-ajatuksella kauneus-, kuntoutus-, irti arjesta-, vieroittamis- ja rentouttamispalveluita.
Milloin voidaan odottaa Suomessa plastiikkakirurgian matkailuyrityksiä? Ainakaan itse en tiedä yhtään ainutta, jos niitä on, markkinointi ei ainakaan toimi. Viro varmasti menee edellä tässä asiassa, ainakin hintojensa puolesta.
Eikun perustamaan matkailurypäs jonnekin luonnonkauniille paikalle korpeen, joka tuottaa slow-ajatuksella kauneus-, kuntoutus-, irti arjesta-, vieroittamis- ja rentouttamispalveluita.
keskiviikko 21. heinäkuuta 2010
Konvergenssi ja superalusta
lähteestä trendiennuste « Tag Feed kirjoittanut tekniikkataloustulevaisuusblogi
Kännykkä on “nielaissut” useita, aiemmin erillislaitteina tunnettuja ratkaisuja sisäänsä. Tätä ilmiötä kutsutaan teknologiseksi konvergenssiksi. Nyt kännykästä löytyy kello, sekuntikello, ajastin, kalenteri, sanelukone, kamera, videokamera, herätyskello, hakulaite, muistikirja, laskin, radio, musiikkisoitin, gps-navigaattori. Kännykkää voidaan siis kutsua superalustaksi. Ilmiö näyttää jatkuvan myös tulevaisuudessa. Muutaman vuoden sisällä kännyköissä voi olla mm. yleiskaukosäädin (IR-tekniikka yhdistettynä kustomoituun kosketusnäyttöön), e-maksutapa (Japanissa on jo), terveydentilaa tarkkaileva järjestelmä, pienoisdataprojektori, puheentunnistava tulkkausohjelma jne.
Konvergenssi näkyy samalla erillislaitteiden myynnissä – niitä ei pitäisi mennä enää entiseen malliin kaupaksi. Siksi kännykälle voidaan ennakoida kauas jatkuvaa menestystä superalustana.
Kännykkä on “nielaissut” useita, aiemmin erillislaitteina tunnettuja ratkaisuja sisäänsä. Tätä ilmiötä kutsutaan teknologiseksi konvergenssiksi. Nyt kännykästä löytyy kello, sekuntikello, ajastin, kalenteri, sanelukone, kamera, videokamera, herätyskello, hakulaite, muistikirja, laskin, radio, musiikkisoitin, gps-navigaattori. Kännykkää voidaan siis kutsua superalustaksi. Ilmiö näyttää jatkuvan myös tulevaisuudessa. Muutaman vuoden sisällä kännyköissä voi olla mm. yleiskaukosäädin (IR-tekniikka yhdistettynä kustomoituun kosketusnäyttöön), e-maksutapa (Japanissa on jo), terveydentilaa tarkkaileva järjestelmä, pienoisdataprojektori, puheentunnistava tulkkausohjelma jne.
Konvergenssi näkyy samalla erillislaitteiden myynnissä – niitä ei pitäisi mennä enää entiseen malliin kaupaksi. Siksi kännykälle voidaan ennakoida kauas jatkuvaa menestystä superalustana.
Amadeus partners with airconomy to provide key market intelligence data
Posted Date: 20/07/2010
Amadeus, the transaction processor and provider of advanced technology solutions for the global travel and tourism industry, and airconomy, an innovative strategy consultancy for aviation networks, have announced their partnership and the launch of Amadeus Total Demand by airconomy. This new data solution will provide airlines, airports and travel agencies with a comprehensive and accurate view of market demand on any given route including distribution by Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) and airlines direct sales.
For example, airlines can calculate their true market share and assess the potential of routes where they do not operate today. Airports can analyse the traffic that is currently by-passing them and that could be captured if their slots where allocated differently. travel agencies can gain insight into the market share evolution of any given route to better advise their customers of available options.
David Doctor, Director, Amadeus Airline and Travel Agency Distribution commented: “We are delighted with this partnership which allows us to offer a unique solution in response to crucial market needs. Total Demand will help our airline customers gain the information they need to make key decisions on such fundamental topics as fleet assignment and route planning with the utmost confidence. Furthermore, this new intelligence product is a perfect fit with Amadeus MIDT that currently provides accurate intelligence on all bookings made through travel agencies using the Amadeus system.”
Amadeus Total Demand by airconomy uses a large number of global and market specific sources which processed by a cutting edge computing algorithm guarantees the highest accuracy of the estimates produced. This helped determine, for example, that 3 out of the top 5 routes in terms of growth since the beginning of the year are based in Asia, with Bangkok-Hong Kong posting a 47% increase Year-To-Date. In parallel, Asia also experienced the biggest drop in traffic on the Beijing – Tokyo route with -26%. Trans-Atlantic traffic witnessed significant growth: New-York - Paris increased by 43%, whereas New-York London grew by 18% over the same period.
“This is a major enhancement as it will provide more transparency for the market place,” says Philipp Goedeking, Managing Director, airconomy. “Network strategy, competitiveness, profitability, growth perspective, or distribution focus all depend on reliable market data – for airlines, airports and travel agencies alike. Accuracy in estimating the total demand on a given route is critical, as even seemingly minor errors can make the difference between a profitable and a non-profitable business case for an airline. The exposure of assets is too high to afford inferior market data in today’s roller coaster markets.”
Täältä alkuperäinen
Amadeus, the transaction processor and provider of advanced technology solutions for the global travel and tourism industry, and airconomy, an innovative strategy consultancy for aviation networks, have announced their partnership and the launch of Amadeus Total Demand by airconomy. This new data solution will provide airlines, airports and travel agencies with a comprehensive and accurate view of market demand on any given route including distribution by Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) and airlines direct sales.
For example, airlines can calculate their true market share and assess the potential of routes where they do not operate today. Airports can analyse the traffic that is currently by-passing them and that could be captured if their slots where allocated differently. travel agencies can gain insight into the market share evolution of any given route to better advise their customers of available options.
David Doctor, Director, Amadeus Airline and Travel Agency Distribution commented: “We are delighted with this partnership which allows us to offer a unique solution in response to crucial market needs. Total Demand will help our airline customers gain the information they need to make key decisions on such fundamental topics as fleet assignment and route planning with the utmost confidence. Furthermore, this new intelligence product is a perfect fit with Amadeus MIDT that currently provides accurate intelligence on all bookings made through travel agencies using the Amadeus system.”
Amadeus Total Demand by airconomy uses a large number of global and market specific sources which processed by a cutting edge computing algorithm guarantees the highest accuracy of the estimates produced. This helped determine, for example, that 3 out of the top 5 routes in terms of growth since the beginning of the year are based in Asia, with Bangkok-Hong Kong posting a 47% increase Year-To-Date. In parallel, Asia also experienced the biggest drop in traffic on the Beijing – Tokyo route with -26%. Trans-Atlantic traffic witnessed significant growth: New-York - Paris increased by 43%, whereas New-York London grew by 18% over the same period.
“This is a major enhancement as it will provide more transparency for the market place,” says Philipp Goedeking, Managing Director, airconomy. “Network strategy, competitiveness, profitability, growth perspective, or distribution focus all depend on reliable market data – for airlines, airports and travel agencies alike. Accuracy in estimating the total demand on a given route is critical, as even seemingly minor errors can make the difference between a profitable and a non-profitable business case for an airline. The exposure of assets is too high to afford inferior market data in today’s roller coaster markets.”
Täältä alkuperäinen
maanantai 12. heinäkuuta 2010
Sosiaalisen median opas, kannattaa katsoa!
Eloqua Social Media Playbook
The 10-platform, 42-page Eloqua Social Media Playbook was created as a veritable “how-to” guide for our staff to follow on the social Web. It’s frankly everything we know about social media, distilled into one awesomely designed document. Now you can have it. For free.
The Social Media Marketing Blog: Social Media Playbook
The 10-platform, 42-page Eloqua Social Media Playbook was created as a veritable “how-to” guide for our staff to follow on the social Web. It’s frankly everything we know about social media, distilled into one awesomely designed document. Now you can have it. For free.
The Social Media Marketing Blog: Social Media Playbook
torstai 8. heinäkuuta 2010
Social shopping - hinnanalennuksia volyymilla, näppärää!
SyncFu from Dejan Strbac on Vimeo.
SyncFu is a tiny widget for your web shop. It aggregates price concerned visitors in order to achieve mutual volume discounts on your offerings, all according to your own settings.
The discount grows with the group size, proportionally to your pricing. It's an incentive based system, and as everyone gets the last price after the deadline you set, all participants virally share your offers with their friends across social networks.
Health tourism
Health Tourism Magazine is focusing on the whole picture—Destinations. Let’s face it, you can’t successfully engage in health tourism without a fabulous destination at hand. So this month, we are bringing the destinations to you and letting you decide where you would like to travel for the top health procedures and wellness retreats. Whether you prefer Hawaii, Latin America or the Caribbean, “Destination Wellness” has something for everyone. So, dive in and prepare to be carried away ~ to the islands of Hawaii for healing ceremonies, or to Ecuador for the simple beauty contained in the rain forests and lush green lands.
Global Wellness is a booming industry--$ 2 Trillion to be more specific—and is continuing to grow. This is a unique industry that unites wellness with tourism, allowing patients to receive top-quality medical procedures while combining it with first-class spas, preventative care and holistic medicine. Health Tourism Magazine is at the forefront of this movement and is your leading source for cutting edge information and the latest industry trends. Our bi-monthly publication features expert authors within the industry, provides a bi-monthly newsletter with the latest health and wellness news and also conducts interactive interviews with key industry players.
The Health Tourism Magazine is the official publication of the Medical Tourism Association, as well as an official organizer of the 3rd Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress. This year’s conference will take place in Los Angeles, California from Sept 22nd-24th. A dedicated Spa and Wellness segment will cover innovative topics presented by industry leaders in order to help bridge the gap between traditional healthcare and alternative health and wellness. Topics will include integrative medicine, corporate health, global spa trends, special interest products and investment opportunities.
It is the only international conference this year where you will be able to network with up to 2,000 delegates in 3 short days. At this year’s conference, Health and Wellness professionals will have the unique opportunity to network with other Health and Wellness professionals and learn about other areas in this exciting and evolving industry. Don’t miss out on a fantastic opportunity to learn, grow and expand your network. Register now for the 3rd Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress at
About the Author
Chelsea D’Ariano is the Assistant Editor for Health Tourism Magazine. She also serves as the Global Communications Coordinator for the Medical Tourism Association and is involved in managing the Public Relations and Marketing Department of the MTA. Chelsea is also a Contributing Editor for the Medical Tourism Magazine, the sister publication of the Health Tourism Magazine. She can be contacted at
Terveysmatkailusta tietoa ulkomailta siis tässä lehdessä.
Tulevaisuuden hotellimatkustelua
Tämä voisi ollakin tulevaisuutta. Katso lentävä hotelli - hotel in the clouds
Ajatella jos voisi lentää omalla hotellilla ympäri maapalloa?
Ajatella jos voisi lentää omalla hotellilla ympäri maapalloa?
tiistai 6. heinäkuuta 2010
Nämä feedit, mitä ne oikeasti ovat?
What are feeds?
I see "RSS", "XML", and "Atom" out there, but I don't know how I might use these links when I find them.
Feeds are a way for websites large and small to distribute their content well beyond just visitors using browsers. Feeds permit subscription to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, news reader, or in some cases good old email. Feeds also make it possible for site content to be packaged into "widgets," "gadgets," mobile devices, and other bite-sized technologies that make it possible to display blogs, podcasts, and major news/sports/weather/whatever headlines just about anywhere.
What Does This Mean?
You may recognize the universal feed icon or these "chicklets" from your favorite websites, blogs, and podcasts. These icons represent content in any format - text, audio or video - to which you can subscribe and read/watch/listen using a feed reader. What's that?
Why is This a Good Thing?
Technology evolution in online publishing has made it really easy to not only publish regular updates to web-based content, but also keep track of a large number of your favorite websites or blogs, without having to remember to check each site manually or clutter your email inbox. You can now streamline your online experience by subscribing to specific content feeds and aggregating this information in one place to be read when you're ready.
Consumer Bottom Line: Subscribing to feeds makes it possible to review a large amount of online content in a very short time.
Publisher Bottom Line: Feeds permit instant distribution of content and the ability to make it "subscribable."
Advertiser Bottom Line: Advertising in feeds overcomes many of the shortcomings that traditional marketing channels encounter including spam filters, delayed distribution, search engine rankings, and general inbox noise.
How do I read feeds?
If you want to browse and subscribe to feeds, you have many choices. Today, there are more than 2,000 different feed reading applications, also known as "news aggregators" (for text, mostly) or "podcatchers" (for podcasts). There are even readers that work exclusively on mobile devices.
Some require a small purchase price but are tops for ease-of-use and ship with dozens of feeds pre-loaded so you can explore the feed "universe" right away. Free readers are available as well; a search for "Feed reader" or "Feed aggregator" at popular search sites will yield many results. A handful of popular feed readers are listed at the bottom of this page.
A typical interface for a feed reader will display your feeds and the number of new (unread) entries within each of those feeds. You can also organize your feeds into categories and even clip and save your favorite entries (with certain applications).
If you prefer, you can use an online, web-based service to track and manage feeds. Online services give you the advantage of being able to access your feed updates anywhere you can find a web browser. Also, upgrades and new features are added automatically.
How can I publish my own feeds?
If you have a website, blog, audio/video content, or even photos, you can offer a feed of your content as an option. If you are using a popular blogging platform or publishing tool like TypePad, Wordpress, or Blogger, you likely publish a feed automatically. Even other non-blogging sites like social photo-sharing service Flickr offer feeds of content you produce that others can retrieve. There are also tools on the market that can help transform traditional web content into the right format for distribution.
FeedBurner's services allow publishers who already have a feed to improve their understanding of and relationship with their audience. Once you have a working feed, run it through FeedBurner and realize a whole new set of benefits.
And finally, some technical backstory...
The new method for easily distributing online content is often called a web feed and the technical format that makes it possible is called RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary, and/or Rockdale, Sandow, and Southern (Railroad) if you trust the good folks at RSS is based on XML, a widely used standard for textual information exchange between applications on the Internet. RSS feeds can be viewed as plain text files, but they're really designed for computer-to-computer communication.
We should point out that RSS is just one standard for expressing feeds as XML. Another well-known choice is Atom. Both formats have their boosters, and it doesn't appear that consolidation toward a single standard is imminent. However, most feed subscribers simply want fresh content and don't care at all about the underlying protocol. (FeedBurner helps publishers avoid this quandary with our SmartFeed service, which makes any feed format readable on any subscriber device.)
I see "RSS", "XML", and "Atom" out there, but I don't know how I might use these links when I find them.
Feeds are a way for websites large and small to distribute their content well beyond just visitors using browsers. Feeds permit subscription to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, news reader, or in some cases good old email. Feeds also make it possible for site content to be packaged into "widgets," "gadgets," mobile devices, and other bite-sized technologies that make it possible to display blogs, podcasts, and major news/sports/weather/whatever headlines just about anywhere.
What Does This Mean?
You may recognize the universal feed icon or these "chicklets" from your favorite websites, blogs, and podcasts. These icons represent content in any format - text, audio or video - to which you can subscribe and read/watch/listen using a feed reader. What's that?
Why is This a Good Thing?
Technology evolution in online publishing has made it really easy to not only publish regular updates to web-based content, but also keep track of a large number of your favorite websites or blogs, without having to remember to check each site manually or clutter your email inbox. You can now streamline your online experience by subscribing to specific content feeds and aggregating this information in one place to be read when you're ready.
Consumer Bottom Line: Subscribing to feeds makes it possible to review a large amount of online content in a very short time.
Publisher Bottom Line: Feeds permit instant distribution of content and the ability to make it "subscribable."
Advertiser Bottom Line: Advertising in feeds overcomes many of the shortcomings that traditional marketing channels encounter including spam filters, delayed distribution, search engine rankings, and general inbox noise.
How do I read feeds?
If you want to browse and subscribe to feeds, you have many choices. Today, there are more than 2,000 different feed reading applications, also known as "news aggregators" (for text, mostly) or "podcatchers" (for podcasts). There are even readers that work exclusively on mobile devices.
Some require a small purchase price but are tops for ease-of-use and ship with dozens of feeds pre-loaded so you can explore the feed "universe" right away. Free readers are available as well; a search for "Feed reader" or "Feed aggregator" at popular search sites will yield many results. A handful of popular feed readers are listed at the bottom of this page.
A typical interface for a feed reader will display your feeds and the number of new (unread) entries within each of those feeds. You can also organize your feeds into categories and even clip and save your favorite entries (with certain applications).
If you prefer, you can use an online, web-based service to track and manage feeds. Online services give you the advantage of being able to access your feed updates anywhere you can find a web browser. Also, upgrades and new features are added automatically.
How can I publish my own feeds?
If you have a website, blog, audio/video content, or even photos, you can offer a feed of your content as an option. If you are using a popular blogging platform or publishing tool like TypePad, Wordpress, or Blogger, you likely publish a feed automatically. Even other non-blogging sites like social photo-sharing service Flickr offer feeds of content you produce that others can retrieve. There are also tools on the market that can help transform traditional web content into the right format for distribution.
FeedBurner's services allow publishers who already have a feed to improve their understanding of and relationship with their audience. Once you have a working feed, run it through FeedBurner and realize a whole new set of benefits.
And finally, some technical backstory...
The new method for easily distributing online content is often called a web feed and the technical format that makes it possible is called RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary, and/or Rockdale, Sandow, and Southern (Railroad) if you trust the good folks at RSS is based on XML, a widely used standard for textual information exchange between applications on the Internet. RSS feeds can be viewed as plain text files, but they're really designed for computer-to-computer communication.
We should point out that RSS is just one standard for expressing feeds as XML. Another well-known choice is Atom. Both formats have their boosters, and it doesn't appear that consolidation toward a single standard is imminent. However, most feed subscribers simply want fresh content and don't care at all about the underlying protocol. (FeedBurner helps publishers avoid this quandary with our SmartFeed service, which makes any feed format readable on any subscriber device.)
Blogitekstit (Atom)