torstai 24. kesäkuuta 2010

Andy Hayes: Why Social Marketing is Critical to Tourism

Mietin tässä, että tätä koulutehtävien julkaisua varten tekemääni blogia voi käyttää hyväksi tiedon levittämisessä. Tässä alla kirjoitus, miksi sosiaalinen media on tärkeää turismille Andy Hayesin kirjoittamana:

Travel and tourism is a market that is changing shape dramatically in recent years. Digital (social) technology is really the driving force behind this amazing upheaval of the industry. Regardless if you're talking about consumers researching travel on websites or social networks where they can tell stories after the fact, social marketing is critical to tourism. Here are a few reasons why:

* Comparison Shopping Like Never Before: There are aggregators, directories, portals, and all sorts of sites where consumers can compare, contrast, and then make their buying decision. Whether you like it or not, you need to stand out in the crowd. What makes you special?

* No More Hiding Places: Kind of related to the above, but different. With search engines and social media, it is now SO easy to reach out and find your ideal customers. There is no more friction in the process - but that means making sure you can be found in the search engines on the right keywords, as well as having an effective presence on the right networks. Easier said than done.
* Reduced Admin Costs: Marketing costs are drastically lower online. Companies are finding their email newsletters (which are almost free to produce) a lot cheaper and just as effective as those bulk and expensive brochures. Good websites that are highly optimised also provide the added benefit of taking bookings without any middleman (or commissions).
* Travel is Social: This is the perfect industry to benefit from social marketing. Do you know anyone who goes on a holiday and comes back and doesn't want to share stories, photographs, and recommendations? That's why social marketing works, because it's already in tune with what people are doing anyway.

Social media is here, and businesses
in the travel industry that are using it are finding success.

Read more:

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